Outdoor Church Training

29th November, Rushden Lakes, 10am-12pm, FREE

Intrigued by Wild Worship? Want to explore using Muddy Church or Forest Churchideas in your services? Keen to make the most of your churchyard or local green spaces? Or do you just love encouraging people to be outside with God?

This new, practical training session provides teaching, resources and everything you need to get started. 15 places available, so early booking is advised.


We will gather in the Boathouse at Rushden Lakes, set right at the heart of the Nene Wetlands Project.

You’re welcome to join us any time from 9:30am for coffee and pastries, before we begin at 10:00am.

Following an initial 30 minutes of teaching from the Outdoor Church Team, we’ll enjoy some time outside in nature as we discuss key themes and worship together before returning for a second teaching session and the option of staying for a free lunch*.

Organised by Gen2 (Peterborough Diocese)

Full details and directions will be sent via email.

♿All activities are wheelchair accessible and there is plenty of parking for blue badge holders.

To book – Email Chad (Gen2 Youth Mission Enabler) – chad.chadwick@peterborough-diocese.org.uk

*LUNCH – If anyone would like to join us for a bowl of soup and homemade sourdough then you’re very welcome. No need to let us know in advance (unless you have any dietary requirements). Plenty of spaces available on the washing-up rota.