Cambs Constabulary Peterborough Independent Advisory Group

At Light Project Peterborough, we really try to connect and support key partners who shape our city, with those who work hard to make communities a better place to live. One example of this is our support on the Cambridgeshire Constabulary Peterborough Independent Advisory Group.

As you are at the heart of our communities you will have important knowledge and wisdom on community issues. These may be anti-social behaviour, hate crime or new initiatives such as the Alliance project in Millfield and New England. There may be other matters you would like us to raise or comments on the good work of the Police to pass on. Do let us know…

  • Is there a community issue which affects you?
  • Is it particular to a certain location or groups of people?
  • What is the impact and how has it affected you or them?

Please get in touch on heading your message ‘PboroIAG’.